Online Tutoring

Strive Learning offers an online tutoring platform to enhance student learning. This virtual system can integrate into your child’s learning by using our certified teachers to clarify concepts learned at school, or to provide bespoke homework help. Strive Learning also can provide more in depth support or challenging concepts for students to maximize their potential and prepare them for upcoming units, tests, or grade level curricular competencies.


To access the online tutoring platform students will need a device with internet capability, a microphone, and a webcam (these are often built in to most devices). Families will receive a classroom link through email or instant messaging. Once you click the link and enter a username you will be automatically entered into the virtual classroom. There is no need for creating accounts or for remembering logins and passwords.


Optional equipment for these sessions includes using a noise cancelling headset, higher quality webcam, and a graphics drawing tablet. Using an ethernet cord and plugin can be helpful to increase the quality of your internet connection.

Strive Learning

Strive to become your best! Our qualified teachers can help students gain confidence and Strive towards their best.

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