Strive Kids Fitness

At your own home

Kids fitness should be fun and engaging! As numerous studies are showing a decline in the health and fitness of Canadian youth we believe this is a critical time to add more emphasis and focus into this area. As young bodies develop, this is the best time to be working on their aerobic capacity, building muscular strength, and learning their fundamental movement skills.


As a society we have developed a more sedentary lifestyle for youth overall. For some of our youth, large organized sports, and the pressure these sports bring may be a harder option.


At Strive Learning we have first hand experience from working with youth over the last decade and seeing these trends in real life. We have the experience and knowledge to provide a fun, safe, and encouraging space for youth to develop these extremely important skills and to help them become lifelong health oriented individuals.


Like our individualized tutoring, our fitness sessions will include review to see where your child is at. Sessions will be typically 1:1, however, we also offer small group fitness and fun.


Not only does fitness have tangible health benefits, but exercise and movement in combination has proven to fire up the brain and make learning more powerful. Below are four areas of fitness that we focus on when working with younger students.

Aerobic Capacity

Getting the heart pumping and lungs working is important for youth development! We will work on aerobic and anaerobic capacity in a variety of ways to always keep it fresh.

Muscular Strength

Focusing on body weight exercises, developing muscular strength and muscular endurance as a youth is important to your health later throughout your entire life.


Working on your flexibility to make sure you stay agile and to help prevent against injuries. Many of our practices come from yoga and also help relax the mind.

Fundamental Movement Skills

These skills such as: jumping, throwing, catching, running, dribbling are important life skills to develop as a youth and serve as a foundation to many sports.

Strive Learning

Strive to become your best! Our qualified teachers can help students gain confidence and Strive towards their best.

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