Strive Learning

One to One Tutoring

Every tutoring session is one on one with a BC Certified Teacher. This allows the teacher to fully focus on your child and customize each lesson along the way to suit your child’s needs.

30 Minutes Fitness

Our kid friendly fitness sessions are a great way to keep your child moving and having fun! Our fitness sessions will help increase cognitive ability, focus, and overall health. These sessions can be booked separately or with one of our tutoring sessions.

Executive Functioning

We help students work on their executive functioning skills that will have direct benefits in their classes. Executive functioning skills include: Organizing, Planning, Prioritizing, Paying Attention, Focusing on Tasks, and Self Monitoring.


Each lesson is prepared in advance by the teacher and is designed to meet your child’s individual needs. The lessons also cater to the student’s interests, such as sports, animals, planes or trains. We’ve got them covered!

Engaging Lessons

Our teachers create engaging lessons that connect with student’s school work or areas of interest. Often our lessons have short breaks with games and activities to help keep students focused and energized.

OG Tutoring

Every lesson is diagnostic and prescriptive in order to meet the needs of your child. We employ the multisensory VAKT (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Tactile) methodology while tutoring.

In-Person and Online

Strive Learning offers In-Person and Onlne tutoring all from the comfort of your own home. Connect directly online or have a teacher come to your own home!

Free Consultations

Feel free to contact us at anytime to arrange a free consultation to discuss your specific needs and how we can help your child get learning and moving today!

Strive Learning

Strive to become your best! Our qualified teachers can help students gain confidence and Strive towards their best.

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